A Short History of Nanotechnology

A Short History of Nanotechnology

1959 : Feynman described molecular machines building with atomic precision, and pointed out ‘‘There is plenty of room at the bottom”
1974 : Taniguchi used the term "nano-technology" in paper on ion-sputter machining
1977 : Drexler originated molecular nanotechnology concepts at MIT
1981 : First technical paper on molecular engineering to build with atomic precision &
STM was invented
1985 : Buckyball was discovered
1986 : First book on nano technology was published, AFM was invented and First organization was formed
1987 : First protein was engineered, First university symposium was organised
1988 : First university course was started
1989 : IBM logo was spelled in individual atoms and First national conference was organised
1990 : First nanotechnology journal was published, Japan's STA funded nanotech projects
1991 : Japan''s MITI announced the bottom-up "atom factory", IBM endorsed bottom-up path, Japan's MITI commits $200 million for nano projects and Carbon nanotube was discovered
1992 : First textbook was published and First Congressional testimony awarded
1993 : First Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology was awarded, "Engines of Creation" book was given to Rice administration, stimulating first university nanotech center
1994 : Nanosystems textbook was used in first university course
1995 : First think tank report was was submitted and First industry analysis of military applications was released
1996 : A $250,000 Feynman Grand Prize was announced, First European conference was oranised, NASA began work in computational nanotech and First nanobio conference was organised
1997 : First company named Zyvex was formed and First design of nanorobotic system was made
1998 : First NSF forum was held in conjunction with Foresight Conference and First DNA-based nanomechanical device was announced
1999 : First Nanomedicine book was published, First safety guidelines were framed
2000 : President Clinton announced U.S. National Nanotechnology Initiative and First state research initiative for $100 million was announced in California
2001 : First report on nanotech industry released and U.S. announced first center for military applications. Nanotechnology Workshop was held in The University of California
2002 : First nanotech industry conference and Nanotechnology Workshop: From the Laboratory to New Commercial Frontiers were held
2003 : Drexler/Smalley debate was published in Chemical & Engineering News
2004 : First policy conference was organised on advanced nanotech, First center for nanomechanical systems was established
2005 : At Nanoethics meeting, Roco announce nanomachine/nanosystem project
2006 : National Academies nanotechnology report calls for experimentation toward molecular manufacturing

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