Definitions of nanotechnology

Definitions of nanotechnology

It is very difficult to define nanotechnology as many commonly used products have distributions that in the end extend into the nano regime. There are no commonly accepted criteria yet that allows one to draw a borderline between nanomaterials and their bulk counterparts.
Nano•tech•nol•o•gy (noun), Pronunciation: "na-nO-tek-'nä-l&-jE. The nanoscale is about a thousand times smaller than micro that is, about 1/80,000 of the diameter of a human hair. Approximately 3 to 6 atoms can fit inside of a nanometer, depending on the atom. The prefix nano means ten to the minus ninth power, or one billionth. Nano is of Greek origin and means dwarf. A nanometer is one billionth of a meter, or: 10-9 m. Taniguchi defined the range of nanotechnology as being from 0.1 nanometers (nm) to 100 nm. As of today, there is no single definition of nanotechnology, however various definitions available in the literature are listed below.
• Nanotechnology is the science of making, studying, and working with things on a nano-scale, in other words, very very small.
• The term nanotechnology appeared on the scientific scene for the first time in the early 1970s. Taniguchi introduced it in 1974 to describe ultra-fine machining. The term nanotechnology was first coined by K. Eric Drexler in 1986, in the book “Engines of Creation”.
• The term nanotechnology was used to describe ultra-fine machining, or more specifically the precision manufacture of mechanical parts with finishes and tolerances in the nanometer range.
• Nanotechnology is the art of manipulating materials on an atomic or molecular scale especially to build microscopic devices such as robots ( Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary)
• Nanoscale technologies are the development and use of devices that have a size of only a few nanometres. Nanotechnologists manipulate single molecules and atoms.
• Nanotechnology is a technology based on the manipulation of individual atoms and molecules to build structures to complex, atomic specifications. (Glossary in the book on Engines of Creation)
• Nanotechnology is the development and use of devices that have a size of only a few nanometers through research carried out into very small components, which depend on electronic effects and may involve movement of a countable number of electrons in their action. Such devices would act faster than larger components (The
• Nanotechnology deals with the production of structures on a molecular level by suitable sequences of chemical reactions. It is also possible to manipulate individual atoms on surfaces using a variant of the atomic force microscope.
• Nanotechnology refers broadly to a field of applied science and technology whose unifying theme is the control of matter on the atomic and molecular scale, normally 1 to 100 nanometers, and the fabrication of devices within that size range. It is a highly multidisciplinary field, drawing from fields such as applied physics, materials science, interface and colloid science, device physics, supramolecular chemistry (which refers to the area of chemistry that focuses on the noncovalent bonding interactions of molecules), chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, and electrical engineering. Much speculation exists as to what may result from these lines of research. (Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
• Nanotechnology can be seen as an extension of existing sciences into the nanoscale, or as a recasting of existing sciences using a newer, more modern term.
• Nanotechnology, or, as it is sometimes called, molecular manufacturing, is a branch of engineering that deals with the design and manufacture of extremely small electronic circuits and mechanical devices built at the molecular level of matter (
• Nanotechnology is the "science and technology where dimensions and tolerances in the range of 0.1 nanometer (nm) to 100 nm play a critical role". Nanotechnology is often discussed together with micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS), a subject that usually includes nanotechnology but may also include technologies higher than the molecular level ( Institute of Nanotechnology, U.K).
• Nanotechnology refers to the purposeful build-up of smallest structural units and particles from the modular system of the classification of elements, in order to produce materials with new properties, machines with microscopic dimensions and entire systems. This requires working in the smallest dimensions, since 7 to 10 atoms in series correspond to 1/1,000,000,000 m = one nanometer. For comparison: the size of a nano-structure element relates to a football at the same ratio of the football to the earth. Up to now, the construction in nano-dimensions has been a domain of Mother Nature: for billions of years, she has been “building” our world of plants, animals and humans according to this proven basic principle.
• Nanotechnology is the creation of functional materials, devices and systems through control of matter on the nanometer length scale (1-100 nanometers), and exploitation of novel phenomena and properties (physical, chemical, biological, mechanical, electrical, etc.) at that length scale. For comparison, 10 nanometers is 1000 times smaller than the diameter of a human hair. A scientific and technical revolution has just begun based upon the ability to systematically organize and manipulate matter at nanoscale. Payoff is anticipated within the next 10-15 years.
• Nanotechnology presents a whole new spectrum of opportunities to build device, components and systems for entirely new space architectures (specific to NASA)
• Nanotechnology has the potential to provide solutions for some of the world's most pressing concerns. Research addresses our needs for energy and clean water, earlier disease detection and treatment, ensuring our security, and increasing the capability of electronics we use everyday.
• The term nanotechnology is applied to almost any materials or devices which are structured on the nanometre scale in order to perform functions or obtain characteristics which could not otherwise be achieved.
• Nanotechnology is the manipulation, precision placement, measurement, modeling or manufacture of sub to100 nanometer scale matter.
• Nanotechnology is the integration of multiple disciplines, technologies, materials, and processes to enable the creation, assembly, measurement, or manipulation of things at the nano and molecular scales.
• Nanotechnology is the research and technology development at the atomic, molecular or macromolecular levels, in the length scale of approximately 1 - 100 nanometer range, to provide a fundamental understanding of phenomena and materials at the nanoscale and to create and use structures, devices and systems that have novel properties and functions because of their small and/or intermediate size.
• Nanotechnology research and development includes manipulation under control of the nanoscale structures and their integration into larger material components, systems and architectures. Within these larger scale assemblies, the control and construction of their structures and components remains at the nanometer scale (
• The concept of nanotechnology is associated with the manipulation of matter at the scale of atoms and molecules with potential medical applications. Nanotechnology applications are significant, with human-engineered devices interacting with biological processes in sophisticated ways.
• Nanotechnology is the study, design, creation, synthesis, manipulation, and application of functional materials, devices and systems through control of matter at the nanometer scale (1–100 nanometers, one nanometer being equal to 1 ×10-9 of a meter), that is, at the atomic and molecular levels, and the exploitation of novel phenomena and properties of matter at that scale.
• Nanotechnology targets phenomena on the nanometre scale as well as apparatuses to control and measure the phenomena.
• Nanotechnology is the science of building things atom by atom or molecule by molecule, as nature would. Nanotechnology enables humans to build things from the ground up. It involves a world so small. Researchers believe that at some time in the future nanotechnology can be used to fix human cells that are diseased, heal wounds in minutes or repair damaged hearts. They envision nanotechnology devices that could be built to kill only cancer cells without destroying healthy tissue. (Houston Chronicle)
• The term refers to the manipulation of matter on the scale of the nano-meter (one billionth of a meter). The goal of nanotechnology is to control individual atoms and molecules to create computer chips and other devices that are thousands of times smaller than current technologies permit. Beyond being used in computers and communication devices, nanotechnology could be used to build devices, change the properties of materials and make advances in biotechnology.
• Nanotechnology is the manipulation or self-assembly of individual atoms, molecules, or molecular clusters into structures to create materials and devices with new or vastly different properties. This can be achieved by reducing the size of the smallest structures to the nanoscale (e.g. photonics applications in nanoelectronics and nanoengineering) or by manipulating individual atoms and molecules into nanostructures, which more closely resembles chemistry or biology.
• In Beauty and Cosmetics application, Nanotechnology is the invention of small particles in nano-size that does amazing things where normal size particles are unable to. It has the capacity to penetrate deep down into the skin layer while the core of the particle is being protected while carrying variety of substances to pass into the inner skin layer. This effective mechanism will target directly to the skin organ which will result in gaining the most benefit from the composition (
• Nanotechnology is the design, characterization, production and application of structures, devices and systems at the scale of atoms and molecules, by controlling the shape and arrangement of nano-scale configurations dependent upon their technological utility.
• Nanotechnology concepts and potentials are outlined by Eric Drexler as truly mind-boggling, including an end to most human labour and the instant manufacture of any materials from computerised input of the component elements.
• Nanotechnology creates radical new approaches to material property enhancement and synthesis and will enable new technologies, applications and industries in yet-to-be-imagined ways.
• Insurance companies do not particularly address nanotechnology in their policies. However, in case single nanomaterials or products prove to be critical, they are addressed and defined by a change of contractual wording.
• In the course of the past decade, the term nanotechnology has been broadened well beyond the original meaning, which limited it to the areas of physics and precision engineering. It includes now a variety of other topics. The nanotechnology expert group was not able to agree on a definitive delineation of nanotechnology.


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